King James or King Kong?
NBA forward LeBron James doesn't have a problem with this cover, but ESPN columnist Jemele Hill does.
"A black athlete being reduced to a savage is, sadly, nothing new. But this cover gave you the double-bonus of having LeBron and Gisele strike poses that others in the blogosphere have noted draw a striking resemblance to the racially charged image of King Kong enveloping his very fair-skinned lady love interest."
James, who plays for the Cleveland Cavaliers, told The Plain Dealer he was cool with the cover, saying he was "just showing a little emotion."
"Everything my name is on is going to be criticized in a good way or bad way," James told the paper. "Who cares what anyone says?"
Photographed by legendary photog Annie Leibovitz, the cover is set to make a splash on the newsstands later this week, if it isn't already available in your area. (I'm thinking collector's item.)
What do you think? If you've seen LeBron play then you know this guy is a pretty fierce competitor. I say kudos to Tom Brady for allowing his girl to be photographed with LeBron.
Technorati Tag(s): LeBron James