With less than two weeks to recover from his recent hoof injury, Big Brown now faces stiff competition in Denis of Cork (pictured) and Casino Drive.
It only took about 10 minutes for hoof specialist Ian McKinlay to repair Big Brown's quarter crack and by all accounts the procedure was a big success.
"A lot of heat had come out from Sunday, which was an excellent sign," McKinlay said. "Probably today he'll be in much better shape. The crack is actually very simple, other than the magnitude of the race. I've done this procedure on horses that have won on the same day.
Big Brown will have his hoof looked at again on Wednesday by McKinlay, who will first clean out the area and replace the stitching. The crack will then be covered by an adhesive and reinforced with a fiberglass patch.
"By today we'll know right where we are," he said. "If the foot cools right out, we'll be extremely close to putting him back together."
Let's hope Big Brown makes a speedy recovery so that he can get in one good breeze before the June 7th Belmont Stakes. Casino Drive has already proven to know his way around Belmont Park; and earlier today Denis of Cork turned in an impressive breeze in preparation for his Belmont Stakes run.
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